The warehouse loft challenge

The warehouse loft challenge

Renovating industrial or commercial properties to live in can be a goldmine or a disaster, depending on whether you seek legal advice before you sign the contract...

The goods in the shed

The goods in the shed

The real estate agent may promise the world, but if the goods aren't identified in the contract, they probably won't come with the property.  Unless you seek legal advice before you sign, that is...

What is a testamentary guardian, and why do I need one for my child?

What is a testamentary guardian, and why do I need one for my child?

A testamentary guardian is an adult designated in a parent’s Will to care for that person’s child in case both parents die before the child turns 18.

While the thought might make you shudder, you need to write a Will and choose a guardian so the courts don't do it for you should the worst should happen.

Is there a legal reason to get married before you buy a house?

Is there a legal reason to get married before you buy a house?

My dear friend J recently came to me with a question prompted by an offhand comment by her fella’s dad.

You see, J and her fella are looking at buying their first place, and J’s dad thought that they would be ‘safer’ if they tied the knot beforehand...